Animals is a show about ... animals. Big ones, little ones, wild ones, tame ones. It's also a show about us and our emotions. Big ones, little ones, wild ones, tame ones.

From the joy of delivering a new lamb with your own hands, to the pain of losing your pet dog, and the confusion of discovering your favourite cow is in love with a tractor! ANIMALS explores how animals help us figure stuff out.

Using real and imagined stories collected from 6 year-olds, join us as we interweave live music, dance and film into a celebration of our unique relationship with animals.

A show for 6+

Creative Team:
Creator & Performer - Greg Sinclair
Devisor & Performer - Hannah Venet
Designer - Katy Wilson
Filmmaker - Geraldine Heaney
Dramaturg - Lu Kemp

Various venues, 2018

With Open Project Funding by Creative Scotland
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